• For those with wings fly to your dreams

    2009 Resolutions - how did I do?

    Happy New Year everybody!

    Every year tons of people make these resolutions. This year I'm happy to say that I did in fact do all my 2009 resolutions which gives me motivation to work towards my 2010 resolutions. What were my 2009 resolutions?

    1. Finish college B.S EET awarded for May 2009 (despite being out of school since July 08 :P)
    2. Take the Japanese Language Profiency Test Level 3 or 4 Took the JLPT 4 at SF State in Dec
    3. Volunteer in Americorps or similar organisation for a year Volunteering until late July 10 at OTX
    4. Take better care of my body and soul Lost about 40lbs, started exercising more, eating more healthy foods.

    I think the key for me this year was to make realistic goals and not have set numbers. I just wanted to take the JLPT, not necessarily pass it. Because of this my Japanese has improved significantly. To volunteer, not specifically go across the country for a year. I never would have chose to go to Oakland, but God knew what I needed and I am grateful. To take better care of my body and soul, not to lose x amount of pounds. Ironically enough this is the most weight I've lost in a year since the few years after my gastric bypass surgery. Even though I was just losing weight that I gained in 2008, that's okay. I'm really proud of myself, I gotta be honest.

    I'm still contemplating exactly what my 2010 goals are, so look for that on Monday.



    About me

    I'm a 20-something Southern girl living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've been working in the wild and wacky world of non-profit green construction in one way or the other for over 3 years. I'm also the owner of Oakland's own Engineered Cupcake.
