• For those with wings fly to your dreams

    Where did 2014 go?

    First site visit at the job Feb 2014
    2014 was an interesting year.  Allot of really random things happened and yet I kept saying to myself: "2014 was an awesome year".  Then when I was home over the holidays, celebrating Kwanzaa with my maternal family I realized it was a rough year for me. Lost two aunts to cancer, a relationship ended, Cali grew too much for one of my best friends, another year 3000 miles away from home.  What kept me through?  My job, that job I got at the beginning of 2014 saw me through some rough times.  Even when things were really bad. I remember one month: May one of the worst months of 2014. I was dealing with a breakup and a dying aunt at the same time. But every weekday I woke up and went to work, writing reports, climbing roofs,  checking out water heaters. Most evenings I went to the gym afterwards and that combination of routine really made a difference.

    Heading into the crawlspace
    The blog suffered in 2014, mainly because my head got bigger than my writing capabilities. I had so many half-finished posts in the draft section.  This year I want to focus on writing in the blog more.  I think that writing more in the blog will help me with one of my resolutions for 2015: improving my writing skills for work.  All those years I thought being an engineer would get me out of needing to write well. I was wrong, lol. My other resolutions is to save more money and eat better to continue getting healthier so I can do better at my job. I love my job, seriously.  And since my job is my primary reason for living 3000 miles from home I want to strive to be the best darn engineer I can be.

    Happy New Year

    Jasmine DK



    About me

    I'm a 20-something Southern girl living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've been working in the wild and wacky world of non-profit green construction in one way or the other for over 3 years. I'm also the owner of Oakland's own Engineered Cupcake.
