• For those with wings fly to your dreams

    Music Notes

    Yep I still scrobble. What's scrobbling? It's when you use a service like last.fm to keep record of the songs you listen to on your digital devices of choice. I listen to music on Pandora and Spotify. Why would you do that? Well it's interesting to see how over a time period what types of musics you listen to. What songs you seem to play allot. If you're a data junky like me it's cool to see what you were listening to oh let's say 6 years ago this time.

    So August 2007. What was going on was entering my last year of class before I left for my final internship. In true college drama, this was a few weeks before I got engaged so I had a fight with my bf. School was just starting back.
    "Here(In your arms) "is by far the most annoying song I was listening to. I tried to listen to it and only got a minute in. I was young in love and foolish. "Shooting Stars" is def my flashback song. When I was in college I pretty much loved anything produced by the Neptunes.

    An interesting combo of bluegrass and love songs.  Makes me think I need to find me a date and some bbq.

    Till next time,



    csuhpat1 said...

    Bluegrass is one of the only two types of pure American music.


    About me

    I'm a 20-something Southern girl living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've been working in the wild and wacky world of non-profit green construction in one way or the other for over 3 years. I'm also the owner of Oakland's own Engineered Cupcake.
