• For those with wings fly to your dreams

    Social Networking Seminar this Saturday!

    I am just so excited!  For the first time ever (yes, ever!) I will be giving a workshop on Social Networking that is fully open to the public.  No matter where you're from, what connections you have, no crazy short-notice. All you need is $10 and to be available this Saturday, September 17th from 4-6pm.  It will be held at the Attitudinal Healing Connection, right here in Oakland.

      The featured topics include:
    • FaceBook - Overview of basics of FaceBook, creating Friend Groups, understanding the latest privacy policies, photo-tagging, etc. 
    • LinkedIn - Why it's important to have, using it to improve your professional networking and job search.
    • Twitter - What's the big deal?, scheduling tweets, and the do's and don'ts
    • Personal Search Engines- "Do you know how much of your information is on the internet?" 
    At $10.00 per person it's an awesome deal and I'm glad that AHC and I are able to do this. My regular rate is $20.00 per hour, which is still a good deal but 2 hours for $10.00? You can't beat that with a stick.  This includes the cost of materials with helpful tips so to help you along when you're practising your new skills on your computer.

    If you have a laptop, netbook, iPad, etc (with Wireless capability) I encourage you to bring it, however a laptop is not required to attend. I understand how it is, in fact since my laptop has Linux I'm not 100% certain if I'll be toting my along or not.

    Also there is an optional Q&A session following. I like to stay on topic but the Q&A session is your chance to ask more in-depth questions about your particular profile or other forms of Social Media (i.e 4square, Mixbook, Pandora, Spotify, GooglePlus).

    You can sign-up at www.hirejasmine.com/seminar.html
    If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at info@hirejasmine.com



    About me

    I'm a 20-something Southern girl living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've been working in the wild and wacky world of non-profit green construction in one way or the other for over 3 years. I'm also the owner of Oakland's own Engineered Cupcake.
