• For those with wings fly to your dreams

    Five of my fave online tools of 2011

    This was another year of discovering great online tools or finally having enough of life that these online tools were useful to me.

    Task Management: Manymoon
    I started using Manymoon a few months ago. Being a volunteer coordinator at GRID (like most positions at GRID) means lots of tasks. Some are repitious, some are new, but there always alot of them. It was getting hard to keep up and remember what I did, need to do, and look into.  I tried Asana, which I would probably like if I was more plugged in (smart phone, tablet, etc.). Manymoon works great for me because it intergrates with my Google App/Gmail account. I can link Google Docs to Tasks. The milestone function is great for "mini-projects" and the email that it sends me everyday with "To-do, past due, upcoming" is in a perfect format to print and have in hand.

    Streaming Music: Spotify
    Don't get me wrong, my Shostakovich Pandora station is still tops but being able to have access to such a ginormous amount of music and create custom playlists and include my music!? That's just plain awesome. Google Music, just never "grabbed" me. I've had it since the summer and may have used it a dozen times. Spotify's and my friend's list are great too. I will admit I don't explore new music much, unless there's an ad that grabs me. All-in-all spotify is great.

    Facebook App: The Sims Social
    Don't judge me.  The Sims is one of my favourite games so when they brought it to Facebook(FB) I was worried it would be lame. I was pleasantly suprised.  The play is fun, not overly-addictive, and the social aspect isn't as annoying as I thought it would be.  I've played this game more than any other FB game that's been out there. And my custom list on FB makes it simple for me to get my fellow Sims Social friend to help me with quests.

    Lifesaver: NextBus (and Google Places Mobile)
    Nextbus has saved me countless hours of waiting, wondering when it comes to AC Transit and their whimsical attempt at a schedule.  Over in the city, it's a lifesaver as I know next-to-nothing about the SFMuni Bus routes.  Anywhere I am I can plug in the bus number, find my stop and see where it's going.  Kudos to AC Transit for the new "stop id" numbers which make it that much easier to see when the next bus is.  Google Places mobile helps with this too because I can get directions (that also include BART) from my bright (not quite smart) phone, a Motorola i465.

    Template Website Creator: Weebly
    Gone are the days of geocities, angelfire, and freeservers.  I remember a decade ago, no decent computer nerd would use a website creator. We were hand-coding and using Photoshop, etc.  Course these days computer nerds have more shiny what with apps, tablets, smartphones, and everyday life.  Weebly makes a fantastic looking website in minutes without any html/css knowledge neccesary. For those of you with some web creation know-how, you can fiddle with the CSS or create your own template.  Hire Jasmine is proudly made with Weebly, it saved me alot of time since I just customised the CSS one exsisting template. The new features this year make it possible for a different types of pages (splash pages for example) and the new whitelabel service makes it easier for those of you who create weebly sites for your clients.  The next site I create for a client will be a weebly site, since I work with non-profits the day may come when they decide to manage the site on their own and weebly will make it easier. Also I can charge lower prices for creating a weebly site versus creating one from scratch.

    Honourable mentions: Dropbox, Google Docs(Fusion Tables), IM Creator


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    About me

    I'm a 20-something Southern girl living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've been working in the wild and wacky world of non-profit green construction in one way or the other for over 3 years. I'm also the owner of Oakland's own Engineered Cupcake.
